+1 (404) 618-2887


Introducing the Modern Culture Discovery™

What makes an organization Modern and Millennial-Friendly?

From over 5 years of research and 100+ Millennials reports, case studies and benchmarking analyses, we have created the Modern Culture Discovery. Our research shows that there are 10 key Modern Factors or “M-factors” that may need digital transformation to engage today’s digitally enabled talent.

Have you had a check up on your current culture to fully leverage today’s human capital?


Mfactor3What: A Discovery Process

Millennials are a leading indicator for changes that need to be made for today’s digitally-driven society. Corporate workplaces are lagging behind the changes that have occurred and unfortunately, there is little in the way of frameworks to guide leaders. Instead of strategically understanding today’s talents needs, many throw darts on the proverbial dartboard of engagement and introduce open office layouts, flip flops in the office, and other superficial changes, not knowing if it will work for their culture. What works for the Googles of the world may not work in your world.

As a result, companies are suffering from high turnover, low engagement, and low attractiveness to today’s talent. That’s where we come in. Our Modern Culture Discovery drives understanding of the current and desired culture for key stakeholders in 10 key M-factors. We provide an overall M-Score, as well as insight into each of the 10 M-factors that will help your organization determine the top pain points and improvement opportunities and strategically make investments. We understand the needs of modern talent, including Millennials and Gen Z, and effectively translate those needs for your industry and culture.


Overview of Deliverables and Process:

Shifting culture is a complex process. The first step is a crucial one: Identify Your Top Priority.

Are you trying to decrease turnover? Make your brand more attractive? Unleash innovation? Whether pursuing a problem-solving or strengths-based approach, in our initial consultation we will work with you to dimensionalize the goal and approach for the discovery. Depending on the scale, scope, and complexity of the problem, the Modern Culture Discovery time and cost will vary.

For the given problem, the deliverables will include:

  • Assess your overall current culture using our proprietary analysis, diving into 10 crucial M-Factors
  • Conduct focus groups to assess where you are and where you can be
  • Present findings including the following key results:
    • Your current overall M-Score
    • A deep dive understanding of each M-Factor’s individual score
    • A detailed understanding of pain points and opportunities, both low-hanging fruit and longer term investment, to meet your defined goal and improve your overall M-Score


We are committed to providing insight and culture change, not a simple Band-aid solution or ineffective investment ideas. We collaborate with you and your existing culture to create YOUR unique, modern, workplace culture!


You may be interested in this if your organization:

  • Is interested in being known as a best place to work now and for years to come
  • Has a low retention rate/high turnover rate for Millennials or those with less than 5 years of tenure
  • Has low employee engagement scores for Millennials (those aged less than 34 today)
  • Wants to unleash innovation and productivity
  • Wants to increase attractiveness of your organization for modern talent
  • And more!


Get in touch with us to understand how the Modern Culture Discovery can be used to take your first step into investing in a modern culture.

To learn more, contact us.